The Competition is Heating Up

Demo Release Friday in Discord

Begin the Flight Tests

Fellow Navigators and Pioneers,

As we stand on the brink of a new dawn in the SPECTRAL SIGNAL universe, the call for brave souls to join our ranks has never been more urgent. The cosmos is vast, and its mysteries deep, but together, we can chart a course through the unknown.

Your Voice Will Be Heard

Before we embark on this journey, and if you haven’t already, I invite you to join our Discord community, where the heart of our adventure beats. It's here that we share, discuss, and shape the future of our universe. You can shape this mystery.

A Glimpse into the Unknown

This Thursday, prepare to be thrust into the heart of our cosmos with the launch of our demo, just before the stroke of midnight on February 29th. This is your portal to experience the mechanics and magic that make the SPECTRAL SIGNAL universe pulse with life. And it’s just the beginning.

Meet the New Guardians of the Galaxy

Among the Solar Fleet that has been secretly moving into position, many brave adventurers have placed their fortunes on the line with their custom vessels. As more join the cause, I’ll share what information I find. Very few lucky pilots will get to navigate these beautiful contraptions.


This ship slices through the fabric of space-time, offering a glimpse into the future of interstellar combat. A member of the Time Travelers and a force to be reconned with. We’ll all want them on our side as we approach the unknown and traverse it. Perhaps we’ll also see Paradox, Epoch and Chrono join the mission.

Wyvern Warrior

Born of fire and fury, this vessel stands as a testament to the ancient warriors of the stars. A singleton among the dragon fleet but never alone. This warrior has seen space for what it is; void, empty, soulless. Is this a glimpse into the Dragon Dynasty joining the fray?

Amplify Our Signal: The Navigator's Referral Program

Your voice can echo across the cosmos. Refer 3 fellow explorers to our cause, and secure your place among the stars with a spot on the Whitelist.

AMA with Arbitrum: Delving Deeper

Set your coordinates for March 1st at 8am PST. Arbitrum Foundation is hosting an AMA with SPECTRAL SIGNAL, offering a rare peek behind the curtain of the technology that powers our universe. Bring your questions, and let's explore the depths together.

SPECTRAL GAMES Night: A Prelude to Adventure

Join us for a night of camaraderie and competition this Friday at 7pm PST. It's an evening to explore the signal, share in the excitement, and gear up for the grand unveiling of our universe.

The Final Frontier Calls

The universe is vast, and its secrets many. We need pioneers, trailblazers, and visionaries to join us in this grand odyssey. Will you answer the call?

As we stand at the threshold of the unknown, ready to leap into the void, I am reminded that this journey is not mine alone, but ours. Together, let's make history.


In unity, we find strength; in diversity, we find the universe.

-Ember Wells